The Best Way to Make Fitness Progress at Rampage

Are you someone who works out about 3 to 4 days per week, and have been doing so for awhile? Though are you unsure if you’re making enough progress? Should you be seeing more results? Are you doing the right things? Should you be doing more? Or less? Is something you’re doing hindering your progress?

These are all relevant questions for anyone on a fitness journey seeking improvement (which, is what we’re all after, right?!). So how do you find the answers?

Here’s the truth. Everyone should have a goal (or goals) and a plan. With a plan, you also need someone to hold you accountable to said plan. Maybe it’s your workout partner. Maybe you have a personal trainer. But what if you don’t have either of those and you’re just an individual in a group class?

Fortunately for you, the leadership team at Rampage has divided the gym into even groups and assigned every member to a coach. That coach is then responsible for YOU and your progress. The way we do this is with Member Check-Ins. These are a free service to members, and only take about 20 minutes.

Call it a check in,
Call it a goal review,
Call it a progress report,…
Whatever you want to call it, it’s the most valuable thing you can do to help with accountability.

The coach is there to listen to your goals, help assess how far you’ve come since the previous meeting, and help determine a plan going forward. Maybe this includes doing a couple skill sessions, maybe it means you need to focus more on sleeping an extra hour a night, or packing your lunch. Regardless of what it is, telling someone else your plan, and letting them help you is the best way to make progress with your fitness.

Then, we’ll continue to meet with you every quarter to review your fitness progress, highlight your success, and congratulate you on what you’ve accomplished. We want to see you continue improving over time.

If you’re a member and want to schedule your session with a coach, please reply to this email with your name, and “I want to schedule my check-in” and we’ll get back to you!

Keep progressing

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