Coaching isn’t just for athletes.

The fastest way to get where you want to be in life, is to find someone who’s already there and learn from them.

As kids, we have teachers in school who we learn from, to become more educated versions of ourselves. We learn from our parents throughout our entire childhood (as well as onto adulthood). You may have also been on a sports team or two and had a coach, of who taught you the rules and skills of the game. All throughout our lives, if we look close enough, there’s very little we likely did 100% on our own, from idea creation to execution. Usually there’s someone, somewhere, tied to the process that helped us out.

99% of adults have no idea how to properly exercise, or what they should really be doing to build the muscle, lose the weight, and improve their overall health and fitness. As a gym owner, I’m fortunate enough to meet with hundreds of folks who are on day 1 of their exercise journey.

What I find the most, is they have no clue what they should be doing, and they need guidance and accountability.

For every 1 person that realizes this, there are a couple thousand who don’t. The folks who don’t realize it either decide not to exercise at all, for fear of not knowing what to do, OR, they try to do it on their own and unfortunately often quit sooner than later. Don’t get me wrong, I applaud the folks who are trying to go it alone. Though if we think back to what I said earlier, it doesn’t make sense to try something brand new without any guidance. We didn’t try to “do school” by ourselves, or learn the sport, or the instrument, or whatever the thing was, by ourselves.

The best thing someone can do when it comes to their health and fitness, is to find someone who can mentor them. This is simply anyone who already knows what to do and can guide them along the way. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a coach or a personal trainer, although this is the top of the pyramid when it comes to best options. It could be a roommate, best friend, cousin or co-worker. People who have someone to follow will stay the course longer, and have better results than those who go it alone. You’ll get there faster, save frustration, and won’t waste time trying to figure out what does and doesn’t work.

This is what our entire gym at Rampage is built upon. We don’t offer an open gym service where people just come and workout by themselves. There are numerous 24 hour facilities around town for that. Every member inside our gym is tied to a coach in some way. Whether it be 1-on-1 personal training, 3-on-1 semi private, or one of our group fitness classes. We know the importance of coaching and ensure that everyone in our gym experiences it.

I’ve seen the power of coaching and mentorship both in my fitness journey, as well as my business career. My purpose now is to help others in the same way on their way to improved health and fitness.

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